
Water Baby

We had the best time at the beach last weekend. The swimming pool is finally complete and we are so excited. We love being on the beach but it is really hard to haul all that baby stuff down there and then turn around and come up 20 minutes later if Kate isn't feeling it. At the pool we are steps away from the condo and it helps that we can put her in the water. Peyton and I blew up (that sounds bad doesn't it) the Silly Seahorse Sunshade float and I crossed my fingers that Kate would like the water. She loved it! She was very content in the Seahorse most of the time but even happier with her Daddy holding her. I was a little nervous she would get too much sun but she did just fine. She looks a little concerned in some of these photos but I can assure you she was very happy. She would just sit back and put her arms up and chill!! I wish they made these floats in adult sizes. We can't wait to get her back in the pool next weekend! I think she's going to be a swimmer- 2024 Olympics here we come. Move over Michael Phelps!!


Harvey/Emily said...

Beth, I love Kate's seahorse! I wish I had one too! Tell Kate hello for me and give her a big kiss. Call me soon! love, emily

anna said...

Kate looks like she is Queen of the pool! I love it! Give her a big hug and kiss for me. She is changing so fast, I can't believe it. Hope you and Peyton are good too. Miss you! Call me when you can.

Meredith said...

I found your blog through Elizabeth's. Kate is so cute! I hope you all are doing well.